Consumer App Redesign

Brand guidelines
app design


OVO, a leading energy provider,engaged us to overhaul their consumer app. Following the challenges posed by the energy crisis in 2022, they felt that they needed to re-evaluate how consumers interacted with energy-related information and services.

Lacking both a clear navigation structure and crucial features, such as transparent billing information, our goal was to undergo a complete and comprehensive redesign process that would result in a user-friendly app that customers would be happy to use.


The need for better consumer engagement and education regarding energy usage. The existing OVO app struggled with several issues:

poor user experience

Users reported difficulties navigating the app and accessing relevant information.

unclear billing

Consumers expressed frustration over the lack of clarity regarding their bills, both past and upcoming.

difficulty managing direct debits

There was a need for an easier way for users to manage their direct debit settings.

lack of energy-saving tips

In light of the energy crisis, users desired actionable tips to reduce their energy consumption.


As an agency, we seek to have an impact in the world with the work that we do and are happy to work with brands that have a mission of service, so we were naturally keen to work with F3 on their re-positioning.

OVO Energy Redesign UX UI Explosive Brands

Development plan

A 12-week sprint plan, segmented into 2-week blocks, to ensure timely progress and milestone achievement

Collaborative milestones

Clear milestones were established in collaboration with the OVO team to track progress and maintain alignment with objectives

initial phase

The redesign process commenced with sketches and an audit of the existing information architecture to identify areas for improvement


We conducted qualitative user interviews and analysed user reviews to gain insights into pain points and preferences


Rapid prototyping was done using Figma to explore design ideas and validate assumptions


Concepts were rigorously tested with users through both live interviews and unmoderated testing on usertesting.com


Feedback from testing sessions was incorporated iteratively to refine and enhance the design concepts

TEsTiNg MEthOds

Our testing approach encompassed a blend of qualitative and quantitative methods to gather comprehensive feedback:

Qualitative interviews

Live interviews allowed for in-depth discussions and observations with participants

unmoderated testing

Using “usertesting.com” we were able to gather feedback from a diverse pool of users

quantitative data

We collected quantitative data from the unmoderated testing sessions to supplement qualitative insights

sentiment analysis

Transcripts from interviews and testing sessions were analysed to identify recurring themes and sentiments among users


The redesign initiative yielded significant outcomes within the 3-month sprint cycle:

Improved app design

The redesigned app addressed usability issues and provided a more intuitive navigation experience

iterative testing

Multiple rounds of user testing ensured that the final design met user needs and expectations

roadmap development

A clear roadmap was established for future iterations, outlining enhancements and new features aligned with user feedback.

OVO Energy App Redesgin consumer product Explosive Brands

alignment with mission zero

The redesigned app provided a foundation for integrating carbon-neutral technologies, in line with OVO's Mission Zero initiative

The redesigned app provided a foundation for integrating carbon-neutral technologies, in line with OVO's Mission Zero initiative

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