Stephen Wood on Emergency Response, Ethical Healthcare and Extreme Medicine

Episode 19

In this episode of Trail Blazers, we delve into the fascinating journey of Stephen Wood, who was initially looking into a career in forestry and bio/chemistry but changed direction to a career in medicine.

Now deeply involved with World Extreme Medicine, Stephen discusses his interest in disaster management and medicine. One highlight of his career is earning the "Extreme Medicine Graduate Certificate," which encompasses courses designed to address gaps in research and practice in extreme medicine. These courses are essential for professionals aiming to expand their knowledge in managing crises and disasters.

Key areas of interest for Stephen include Crisis Resource Leadership and Crisis Resource Management. These fields focus on understanding human factors during emergencies, both in hospitals and in the field. Practical exercises in crisis resource management and teamwork form a crucial part of his training, highlighting the importance of developing leadership skills for effective emergency response.

Ethics and bioethics are also central to Stephen’s approach to humanitarian aid and disaster relief. He emphasises the need for ethical standards that respect local communities and support sustainable practices. Contrary to the misconception that ethics can be sidelined in international work, Stephen advocates for a professional approach that integrates ethical considerations into all aspects of humanitarian efforts.

Drawing from his experiences in Haiti, Stephen shares valuable lessons on resilience, creativity, and cultural respect. The resourcefulness of the Haitian people in providing care with limited resources offers profound insights that he has brought back to his work in emergency rooms.

Innovation in medical treatments and practices is another passion for Stephen. He discusses surprising traditional treatments like adhesive strips for toxin extraction and "coining" to lower body temperature, illustrating the importance of cultural context in medicine. Additionally, he explores advancements like biodegradable solar-powered sensors and sustainable solutions for cold chain management.

Combining his hobby as an amateur magician with healthcare, Stephen has creatively redesigned health kits using magic props, engaging people in healthcare through novel and memorable methods.

The episode also highlights an annual conference in Edinburgh, which brings together experts from diverse fields such as climate science, ethics, and education. This interdisciplinary collaboration aims to address complex issues like the impact of climate change on health.

Looking towards the future of global health, Stephen advocates for a shift away from colonial mindsets. He emphasises the need to develop local researchers and leaders, offering education and support to ensure equity and sustainability in global health initiatives.

Join us for an enlightening conversation as we explore Stephen’s remarkable journey and the insights he has gained along the way.

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