ThE ApE Book

Omnichannel Strategy



As part of a wider digital transformation, MSD UK needed to enhance and consolidate their approach to omnichannel marketing. Whilst they had small pockets of excellence, their overall approach to digital channels was inconsistent.

 The Head of Transformation approached us to harmonise their go-to-market model, by providing strategic guidance, playbook design, and “outside-in” thinking.

Explosive Brands Omnichannel Strategy Workshop Day

Our approach


We ran a series of cross-functional workshops with marketers across the business to align on the strategic principles of omnichannel marketing and crowdsource key learnings and case studies.

Horizon Scanning:

We augmented this internal knowledge with an extensive review of the best-in-class marketing from across healthcare. This provided external examples to shape the wider vision.

Strategic Guidelines:

By combining these internal and external examples, we produced a series of “Omnichannel Guidelines” which provided an agile framework called A.P.E (Analyse - Plan - Execute). This framework provided inspiration and guidance for brand teams to execute their strategy with omnichannel excellence.

Playbook Design & Rollout:

We compiled these guidelines into an Omnichannel Playbook called the “APE Book” and provided iterative improvements as more internal case studies were discovered.

Explosive Brands providing a workshop for Omnichannel Strategy. The Ape Book Ipad Mock Up
Omnichannel Coaching (Expert Clinics): To bring the marketing theory alive and ensure continual guidance towards the gold standard vision, we supported the strategy of high-priority marketing campaigns including the launch of their landmark Oncology treatment.Setup Community of Practice (CoP): Having run many change initiatives, we know the hardest part is sustaining momentum. To support MSD in this, we designed and facilitated the setup of a monthly community of practice.Global Scaling: The APE Marketing approach gained traction “above-market” and was rolled out in over 10 other markets and regions including France, Germany, and Asia-Pacific. One year later, it was also incorporated into the global marketing framework known as L3, which was distributed to all markets.

Omnichannel Coaching (Expert Clinics):

To bring the marketing theory alive and ensure continual guidance towards the gold standard vision, we supported the strategy of high-priority marketing campaigns including the launch of their landmark Oncology treatment.

Setup Community of Practice (CoP):

Having run many change initiatives, we know the hardest part is sustaining momentum. To support MSD in this, we designed and facilitated the setup of a monthly community of practice.

Global Scaling:

 The APE Marketing approach gained traction “above-market” and was rolled out in over 10 other markets and regions including France, Germany, and Asia-Pacific. One year later, it was also incorporated into the global marketing framework known as L3, which was distributed to all markets.

Co-Creation: We ran a series of cross-functional workshops with marketers across the business to align on the strategic principles of omnichannel marketing and crowdsource key learnings and case studies.Horizon Scanning: We augmented this internal knowledge with an extensive review of the best-in-class marketing from across healthcare. This provided external examples to shape the wider vision.Strategic Guidelines: By combining these internal and external examples, we produced a series of “Omnichannel Guidelines” which provided an agile framework called A.P.E (Analyse - Plan - Execute). This framework provided inspiration and guidance for brand teams to execute their strategy with omnichannel excellence.Playbook Design & Rollout: We compiled these guidelines into an Omnichannel Playbook called the “APE Book” and provided iterative improvements as more internal case studies were discovered.
As part of a wider digital transformation, MSD UK needed to enhance and consolidate their approach to omnichannel marketing. Whilst they had small pockets of excellence, their overall approach to digital channels was inconsistent.

measurable results

+76% CoP Attendance

All community events were highly engaged with regular participation from the leadership team and external specialists

Award Winning Framework

The APE Marketing Framework won the PMEA Pharma Award for"Excellence in Capability Development"

Globally Scaled

The APE framework was incorporated into the Global framework and embedded within +50 country teams (aka market affiliates)

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